Joel Lamore
Comments and questions welcomed, but please be patient for responses. Delay in response will not be more than a week.

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The poems on this website are covered by the following Creative Commons license. Please be sure you understand the terms before using.
© 1990-2022
The author would prefer those using any of the poems or other material on this site on their own websites, pages, blogs, etc. do so via a link to this site or include a link in addition to the attribution required by the license.
The author would appreciate, as a courtesy, notification via email by those using material from this site.
Permission for for-profit uses can be obtained by contacting the author.
Inland Empire Poets: information about the poetry workshop group that meets in Riverside, California.
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I want to thank my wife Kimberly, my parents and sister for their love and support.
I also owe much to the many members of the Inland Empire Poets over the years for their rigorous but supportive critiques of my work. The poems here are better, sharper, richer and more fully what they aim to be because of their insights, suggestions and candid evaluations.
​I wish to thank the San Bernardino Community College District for granting me a sabbatical in the fall of 2020. The time away from teaching, committees and other responsibilities allowed me to review more than 150 poems, revise nearly 100 of them, and work on the website.
The publication acknowledgements for any previously published poems appear immediately following the individual poems.
All chapweb "covers" designed by Joel Lamore. Photographs that appear on the covers of The Analogist's Nostalgia, Our Outcast State, and The Bells of Evening by Kimberly Cortner. All other photos and elements were obtained from royalty free sources.