About Poemetria
“Poemetria” is a rough combination of the Greek roots of “poetry” and “meter”: poiein (to make) and metria (the action of measuring). A poem isn’t just thrown together, but is constructed, crafted, structured, measured. Or at least that’s the ideal.
The poems on this site have been organized into thematic chapbooks, or "chapwebs". Below you will find brief descriptions of each of the chapwebs and their respective themes.

For those interested in reading poems that are new, but as yet unrevised and incorporated into one of the chapwebs, please go to the In the Wordshop page.
Our Outcast State
Fictions and Figments
Lyrics of childhood, adolescence and the development of the poet.
A collection of poems of fantasy, myth and fable.
A set of poems that engage art, literature, science and their intersections.
A garland of lyrics to desire,
love and loss.
Poems of contemporary life and society, and its discontents, including some satirical pieces.
Verses of imaginary times, places and personas.
A collection of translations, primarily from the French, including poems by Baudelaire, Nerval, Verlaine and Valmore.
Poems in new forms, variations of traditional forms, including notes and formulas and examples.
A collection of nonsense, light and otherwise odd verse.
Poetic meditations on place, specifically the San Bernardino Valley College campus.